5 Common Dream Motifs

I have had so many repetitious motifs showing up in my dreams lately. I felt as though that doing a personal analysis (separate from looking at exact definitions on dream analyzing resources) would be an interesting venture to take on. 

Battle: Battle based dreams normally involve something either medieval, spiritual, metaphysical, or something multidimensional. Magic, dragons, mystical creatures, energy manipulation, you name it. I’ve noticed this motif looking back at some of the dreams I have had over the past few months. These battle dreams seem to happen when I’m facing some inner turmoil in regards to a certain person, situation, or aspect of myself. Regardless if it is dream based or not, I always end up being victorious.

narrow-wooden-bridge-backgrBridge: I’ve had dreams of bridges, drawbridges, trails, roads, for lord only knows how long. To me they have always appeared as new opportunities opening up for me. When I’ve had new people, work and school environment changes, moving, lifestyle changes, etc I usually have bridge based dream. Sometimes they have appeared as wobbly, unstable, even loose in some places. to stable, solid, strong, etc. Either way, I somehow still end up crossing to the other side. 

Neuschwanstein_Castle_LOC_print_rotatedCastles: This motif baffles me because even though I have used dream analyzing tools… I still do not quite understand what this means. I’ve had dreams of ruins, fortresses, Colosseum, towers, etc and either one have had such interesting scenarios. I’ve noticed issues regarding planning, dragons, transitions, romance, and connections with others. I wonder if the castle walls or structure is based off the dream’s context and overall topic. The most recent one involved intimacy, sexuality, and mutual connections, and what I can recall was that it felt like the energy flowed so perfectly. It seems for now this will remain a mystery.

maxresdefaultClay: I often have dreams where I can shape shift and change into different kinds of animals and various objects. Some of those dreams have involved the use of colorful modeling clay or a flexible medium. Perhaps this has to use with my creativity, flexibility, being able to shapeshift and adapt to whatever comes my way. To me, it also feels as though that I am able to find a way to make everything in front of me useful. 

clockClock(s): Big clocks and clock towers have been a significant motif for over a year now. It seems as though, as ironic this sounds, the clock or the clock tower always seems to come into play when I am racing against time in my dreams. But, the dreams always over dramatize the aspect of time like saving someone’s life, completing a compelling mission, running away from or running to something, etc. In my waking state I often feel as though I am working on a time crunch. Perhaps could be something that is reflecting the chaos of things that take place in my life. 


(All credit goes to the original owner(s) of featured media)


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